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Spice it up!!!

Sometimes I feel as though I'm running out of options. There are times I wanna be a curly sue but my curls don't last long.It's quite frustrating when I use rods and my curls aren't defined. You can be trendy and adventurous by doing a Mohawk whilst switching it up with a fro or even curls. Sooo depending on your hair texture you can rock that fro by dressing it up with hair bands or pins. Options may not be very vast but you don't have to be boring and rock one hairstyle as a natural girl.

Spice it up chicas.


  1. This is a struggle I deal with everyday. My hair is constantly tied up in a bun. It is a task thinking what hairstyle to rock when I’m heading out��. The rods are a very nice option as they at least keep the hair in that style for a bit ... I have thin hair so I’m not really fond of twists as I don’t quite get the body and fullness. What other options are there when it comes to styling? ����‍♀️


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