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Showing posts from June, 2018


Taking care of your tresses can be really time consuming! We admire other women not knowing or even realizing that it takes time and effort. Our hair textures vary and as such our routines would not be the same. Whether your mane is short, medium or long upkeep is crucial if you live a very active lifestyle. Especially considering that we live in a tropical climate which equals frizziness. How can we escape that frizz after that perfect beach day at Maracas. That deep conditioner better be on standby else you’ll end up walking around like a frizz ball in these streets.

Bed Time

Castor oil, shea butter and oil olive just to name a few are perfect for use in hair before going to bed. Tying with a silk scarf is ideal for locking in that moisture which not only protects it but also stimulates growth whilst we’re on the clouds. It can be rather frustrating having dry hair and scalp as a naturalista. Therefore we can’t stop stressing on that magic word called “moisturize”! Once you have grasped the concept on how to ideally moisturize, your tresses would be a whole lot more manageable.

10 Do's and Don'ts for transitioning to natural hair

Hey ladies, wanna   transition to natural hair without complications? 😊 then follow these 10 Do's and Don'ts . 1 .  D o not use chemicals Its the obvious, but must be said, do not relax your hair, this damages your hair and over time,your hair will lose its elasticity and strength. 2.  Don't apply  heat to your hair     Drop the heat, stay away from hair dryers, curling irons etc. heat damages natural hair. 3.  D on't  shampoo with sulphate.     Sulphate removes all natural hair oils leaving it dry and prone to breakage. 4.  Do use fingers to detangle.     Use plenty conditioner to detangle your hair with your fingers. Your fingers move easier than a comb.  5.  Do Trim      You must trim off the relaxed ends of your hair gradually two inches every month, this will prevent split ends causing damage to your new growth. 6.   Do deep condition regularly     OMG!!! This is a must  !!! You can’t starve your hair. This is like food for your hair. Appl

Controlling your Fro

Oooooh I love my afro!!!! But geez, sometimes I can't control it because my hair is soooo thick! Maintaining your hair isn't just about the products that we use but the lifestyle we live. Sometimes we lose patience in trying to figure out what to do. Having that healthy fro comes with a lot of care but starting with the basics such as drinking water can work wonders. Washing at least once a week helps prevent product build-up and retains moisture! Because nobody wants to be the smelly hair girl!!! Sooo ladies maintenance is verrrrry important. Can I get an Amen ?

Spice it up!!!

Sometimes I feel as though I'm running out of options. There are times I wanna be a curly sue but my curls don't last long.It's quite frustrating when I use rods and my curls aren't defined. You can be trendy and adventurous by doing a Mohawk whilst switching it up with a fro or even curls. Sooo depending on your hair texture you can rock that fro by dressing it up with hair bands or pins. Options may not be very vast but you don't have to be boring and rock one hairstyle as a natural girl. Spice it up chicas.

My fav natural hair poducts

·         Girlies we have to pay careful attention to the ingredients in all the products that we use. Whether it be a drugstore brand or high-end some of these companies are sooo sneaky! They change the active ingredients and the slightest change can have a negative effect. Not all shampoos and conditioners are created equally. However, a co wash might be ideal from Eden or As I Am. When you’re through with washing be sure to moisturize with your favorite moisturizer.      But if you’re a true naturalista like me then you would only swear by oils!

2 easy Day to Night Natural Hairstyles

·                   Ladies don’t we just love to have that versatility when styling our natural hair!! Styling your hair can be quite a tedious task especially on mornings. Wearing a protective style can stimulate growth but it may not be the “in thing”. Some of us swear by braids whilst others are just clueless about what to do. So many styles available online and via social media but if you don’t have the technique a girl could be out here looking a mess!!! Whether your hair is long, short, fine or thick you’ve got to figure out a way to style it.